Equal Features
A quick review of a Equal DAO type's features
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A quick review of a Equal DAO type's features
Last updated
EQUAL type DAOs operate as a true democracy- Everyone is equal, and everyone can create proposals.
Equal type DAOs are the most simplest forms of a DAO you can create at Swarms.Finance.
In a an EQUAL type DAO:
Everyone has equal voting power (Nobody's vote is worth more than anyone else's)
Everyone can create proposals of any type
Consensus is reached when enough people vote in favor of a proposition.
For example, if the Consensus threshold of the EQUAL type DAO is set to 75%, and there are 4 members in the DAO, then 3 out of 4 members voting in favor of a proposition will pass the proposition.
In an EQUAL type DAO, you can find it's consensus threshold located directly under it's homepage:
Create an Equal DAO when your looking to create a truly open and equal democratic organization.
It's important to note the Swarm Creator cannot stop proposals from execution- Once a proposal has been created, it has been created and the rest of the Swarm has the ability to vote over the outcome until it expires.