Consensus (Equal / Controlled)
Choose a Quorum (Equal/Controlled)
Last updated
Choose a Quorum (Equal/Controlled)
Last updated
This feature is available to EQUAL and CONTROLLED type DAOs. Depending on which type of DAO you are creating, this page may appear differently.
For WEIGHTED Daos click HERE to learn about Consensus (Weighted)
For CUSTOM Daos click HERE to learn about Consensus (Custom)
Consensus is the point at which a proposal passes and executes on the blockchain, also known as a Quorum.
With a Swarm, members create proposals to command the Swarm, and then other members vote over the proposal- When consensus is achieved, the proposal passes.
Adjusting consensus is equivalent to adjusting how much people have to agree with each other before the Swarm will do something.
This consensus threshold may only be changed in the future by creating a proposal at your DAO, and voting over a new consensus threshold.
8) Choose how many members must vote in favor of a proposal in order for it to pass.