Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Swarm?

A DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)

What can a Swarm do?

Manage funds with a group of people & vote over your transactions together with a Swarm.

What is Kadena?

A blockchain - See https://kadena.io/

What is the KDA smart contract name?

The KDA module name is called "coin"

Type "coin" (without the quotes) when your intend to interact with KDA and your Swarm, including when you Create A Vault.

Is Swarms.Finance free?


Swarms.Finance does not pay your Kadena Gas Fees.

Anytime you perform a blockchain action at Swarms.Finance you will have make a transaction and pay your own gas fees.

How long do pending transactions take to complete?

Pending transactions on the Kadena Blockchain can take a couple of minutes to complete- Please do not close your browser or browse to a separate DAO while your transaction is confirming.

Once the confirmation has completed the Swarms.Finance app will let you know it has completed.

Crosschain transactions can take 5+ minutes, these occur during Crosschain Migrations.

Swarms.Finance pre-approves your transactions with the Kadena Blockchain before you sign and send your transaction in hopes to prevent you from making failed transactions- If your transaction is ever going to fail the Swarms.Finance app will let you know before you send your transaction so you don't waste your Gas.

What is a Vault?

Swarms store their assets in Vaults.

Create Vaults to store whichever token you would like in your Swarm.

Vaults can be created on whichever chain you like, and can contain whichever token you want, you just need to know the Smart Contract Name (Module Name) of the token you want to add.

In order to withdraw or transfer assets out of the Vault, you will have to create a Transfer/Withdraw Proposal.

Vaults can be found under the "Treasury" area of a Swarm.

Use the "Deposit" buttons to deposit asset's into a Vault- You may also send funds to the Vault's ID manually.

What is a proposal?

A proposal is how you make your Swarm do something.

For example, if you want to transfer 10 tokens out of one of your Swarm's Vaults you will have to create a proposal.

Proposals are what allow other members of the Swarm to vote over your request.

All Proposals are found under the "Proposals" area of a Swarm.

Swarm members may only create a certain number of proposals per 24 hours- This is determined by a Swarm's Daily Proposal Limit.

When a proposal is created it will run for a certain length of time depending on the Swarm's Minimum Voting Time.

All Swarm members can vote over the proposal before it expires- Once a proposal expires it fails.

If enough people vote and the proposal reaches consensus then the proposal passes and instantly executes.

All proposals automatically have an "Oppose" action which allows other Swarm members to vote against your proposal.

Likewise, if enough people Oppose your proposal it will also fail- When a proposal fails, nothing happens.

What is Consensus?

Consensus is the point that must be reached in order for a proposal to pass.

Consensus is typically a Quorum for most DAO types, including Equal / Controlled / Custom type Swarms- Where a certain number of people must vote in favor of a proposal for it to pass.

In Weighted Type Swarms Consensus is reached when a certain number of people vote in favor of a proposal AND when a certain amount of Weight votes in favor of a proposal- Both conditions must be satisifed to reach Consensus in a Weighted Type Swarm.

When Consensus is reached, a proposal instantly passes- This means a proposal does not have to wait until it's end time to pass.

Consensus can be adjusted with a Adjust Consensus Proposal.

Weighted Type Swarms have an extra Adjust Required-Voter Consensus Proposal they can create to adjust the number of voters required to vote for a proposal.

Weighted Type Swarms can use the Adjust Consensus Proposal to adjust their Weight requirement threshold.

How do I kick out a Swarm member?

Once a person becomes a member of a Swarm they may only be removed with a proposal and after they are voted out.

Controlled Type Swarms allow the Swarm Creator to Add/Remove swarm members at anytime without a proposal.

What is Weight?

In a Weighted Type Swarm the Swarm has Weight as apart of it's Consensus.

This means in a Weighted Swarm, not only must a certain number of voters vote in favor of a proposal for it to pass, but also a certain amount of Weight.

Each member of a Weighted Swarm has their own Weight which can be found under the "Members" area of a Swarm.

A Weighted Type Swarm has a Total Weight, which is the total combined weight of all the members in the Swarm- A Swarms Total Weight is listed above it's Consensus.

In a Weighted Type Swarm the Swarm must select which Vaults give members Weight when they deposit tokens into the Vault, this can be achieved with a Set Vault Deposit Weight Proposal.

Depositing into a Vault with a Deposit Weight will grant the Swarm Member Weight each time a deposit is made into the Vault at a 1=1 ratio.

For example, if a Vaults deposit Weight is set to 2.0, then each time someone deposits 1 token into the Vault they will gain 2.0 Weight.

You must use the "Deposit" buttons found on a Vault to deposit funds in order to gain weight- Manually sending funds to a Vault's ID with a Kadena Transaction will not add weight to a Swarm Member's account.

Weight cannot be removed from a member once they gain it.

Weight stays with a member even if the tokens they deposit into the Swarm are withdrawn or transferred out of the Swarm.

Vault Deposit Weight must be adjusted with a proposal.

Last updated