Glossary of Terms
Useful Terms
A principled set of conditions that must be carried out in order to pass a proposal.
An attempt to perform an Action with a Swarm which only occurs after consensus is reached.
Votes are casted by members of a Swarm to determine the outcome's of proposals.
A Swarm's page that you use to interact with your Swarm.
Members Table
The list of members in a Swarm- Found under the "Voters" menu of any swarm.
LP Token
A Liquidity Provider Token received when a DAO adds liquidity to A DEX.
Storing assets in Liquidity Pools at a DEX
Decentralized Exchange
Decentralized Autonomous Organization
Kadena Miner/Transaction Fee
There are 4 types of DAO's at Swarms.Finance- Equal / Weighted / Controlled / Custom. Each DAO type functions a little differently.
The % of members or weight required to pass a proposal.
The % of Weight required to pass a proposal.
The % of members required to vote in order to pass a proposal.
Voting Power in a Weighted DAO. In a Weighted type DAO members gain Weight when they deposit assets into the Swarm.
Total Weight
A Weighted Type DAO's total amount of weight from all member deposits.
The number of proposals a member can make per day in a Swarm.
The minimum amount of time a proposal must run, allowing people to vote, before it expires at a Swarm.
A DAO that represents a true democracy where everyone is equal, has equal voting power, and can create proposals. Consensus is achieved when a certain number of Swarm members vote for a proposal.
A DAO where members have more voting power depending on their deposits made into the DAO. All members can create and vote over proposals. Consensus is reached when a certain amount of Weight and Members vote for a proposal.
A DAO focused around a leader, the Swarm Creator. The Swarm Creator has special permissions and can add/remove members at anytime. The Swarm Creator must pick which members are allowed to create proposals. Consensus is reached when a certain number of members vote for a proposal.
A DAO with a hierarchy of roles and permissions. Some members may be able to vote and create proposals over some things, while others may not depending on their Role. Consensus is reached when a certain number of members vote for a proposal.
In a Controlled DAO, roles are what allow Swarm members to perform Swarm Actions. A role may or may not be able to create a proposal for a Swarm Action, or vote for a Swarm Action, or both.
A Task/Operation that is executed after a proposal is created and consensus is reached by the Swarm.
Proposal Permissions
The ability for a Swarm member to create proposals.
Grant Permissions
Granting special permissions to a Swarm member so they can create proposals at a Controlled Type DAO.
Custom Action
A Custom Swarm Action that was not created by Swarms.Finance.
A DAO built at Swarms.Finance.
The first person who sets up the Swarm- In a Controlled DAO the Swarm Creator has special abilities.
A DAO account that holds a specific asset.
A Kadena chain
Existing on multiple chains
To copy a Swarm to another chain.
A multi-choice proposal.
A message posted to a Swarm's message board.
Your Account at DAO- You can be added to multiple DAOs.
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