Set Vault Deposit Weight (Weighted)
Set a Vaults Deposit Weight in a Weighted DAO
Last updated
Set a Vaults Deposit Weight in a Weighted DAO
Last updated
This Feature is only available in WEIGHTED type DAOs
Weighted Type DAO's use Weight as a method to determine if consensus is reached.
As such, a Weighted DAO has the ability to set and adjust deposit weights to each of it's Vaults- Once a Deposit Weight is applied to a vault, from that point on whenever someone deposits tokens into the Vault they will gain the Deposit Weight.
For example, if a Vault has a deposit weight of 3.0, and a Swarm member deposits 1 token into the vault, they will gain 3.0 Weight.
If a Vault has a deposit weight of 3.0 and a Swarm member deposits 2 tokens into the vault, the member will gain 6.0 Weight.
This "Weight" is then used whenever that member votes.
Swarm members with the most 'Weight' have more voting power than the Swarm members with less 'Weight'.
Weight is what allows DAOs to be crafted at Swarms.Finance where one person may have more control over the DAO simply because they have participated and deposited more tokens into the DAO.
Create a new Proposal and select proposal type "Set Vault Deposit Weight"
Select which Vault you will be applying a Deposit Weight to
Enter the new Deposit Weight of the Vault
Deposit Weight does not get applied retro-actively- Setting a Deposit Weight on a Vault does not retro-actively apply weight to members who have previously deposited into the Vault.